Children & Young People

Messy Church goes Wild
The next Messy Church Goes Wild is on Wednesday 2 March 2022, 3.30pm to 5pm.

We welcome you to get close to nature with craft activities, storytelling, singing and sharing food together. For more info, see this page.
Café Connect

Café Connect is a safe space to hang out which is open to all young people from school year 7 upwards with Nintendo Wii, pool, table tennis, chill area and other activities. It’s free and runs every Wednesday evening during term time from 6pm to 7:30pm in Christ Church. The Café Connect team is led by the Parish of East Greenwich in partnership with Greenwich Youth for Christ. For more information contact the parish office on 020 8853 3235.
The Huddle

At the Huddle we strive to create an environment where young people can have fun, get to know one another and explore their faith. We meet at Christ Church on Friday evenings during term time from 6pm until 7:30pm. All young people from year 7 upwards are welcome. It’s a time of fun and games with snacks and time for a chat. Topics we have discussed include looking at God’s calling on the lives of various Bible characters, the life of Daniel, and the intersection of faith and mental health. Contact our parish administrator for more information on 020 8853 3235.